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Saturday, August 20, 2011

 I am doing a happy dance--the kids are back in school &  fall weather is coming (slowly here in AZ) I have uploaded some photos of an incredible quilt I have the opportunity to work on. My friend Vicki is a prolific and accomplished award winning quilter and she has sent me some fabulous quilts to work on. The colors in the batiks are to die for and the piecing is incredible. What an amazing work of art. I hope you enjoy the pictures and that you are inspired to challenge yourself in your quilting. Take a class or try something that intimidates you. Maybe try making an art quilt. Another great way to grow as a quilter is to make small " art" quilts--say one a week. They can be as small as a postcard or up to 11x14. Try applique, raw edge applique, beading, quilting, couching and then quilt it on your domestic machine. You will learn a heck of a lot. The Arizona Quilters Guild has a small quilt auction every year, and I try to donate at least one quilt each year. A really good resource for learning about different techniques that you can experiment with is the magazine "Quilting Arts". Their website is www.quiltingdaily.com and there is an incredible amount of information available there to help you grow as a quilt artist.