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Saturday, April 30, 2011

OMG-this photo is from my friend Gina at Cranberry Quiltworks. Her delivery guy is so buff he is bustin out of his pants and sporting a quilted kilt!!!(Lol) I wonder if they tried to sew the hole in his pants on their longarm???

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Alright, I know I have slacked a bit (alright, alot) on my blog lately, and hope to be turning over a new leaf and trying to be more committed to posting regularly. I thought you might want to check out my new website:)--see the link below
http://www.i-candyquilts.com/ This is the official website for my longarm quilting business. It is still a work in progress, so bear with me. In addition to monthly specials, I plan to do some other fun things that you'll need to look out for, so be sure to check it often--you never know when I'll put a crazy deal in there
I recently went to a Longarm meeting and Sharon Schamber was showing her amazing collection of quilts. If you ever get the chance to take a class from her, I strongly encourage you. She is constantly sharing little (sometimes big) nuggets to help you become a better quilt artist. This image is of one of her newer quilts and as always she has come up with some new techniques.
Water for ElephantsI just finished reading the book and really enjoyed it. However, I haven't heard great things about the movie, so I may wait awhile till it comes out on video

Saturday, April 2, 2011